A blog for God's people
Let us Begin...
Published on June 28, 2009 By yngmon In Everything Else

Blessing's to all who have found their way to my door step.  By clicking this site you have allowed yourself

to become aware.  Before you can understand what it is to be aware; first you must remember what it felt

like to be unaware.  To do this there is an exercise as simple as breathing; that once mastered will allow

you to bridge the gap between the con. matrix vs. the subcon. matrix. 

There is no fee, for if it were you and I would have never became aware.  If you have arrived here to soon; 

I wish you well on your travel. It is best that way;................."For receiving to early is as bad recieving to late." 

Comments (Page 1)
19 Pages1 2 3  Last
on Jun 30, 2009

The hell?


on Jul 01, 2009

Yes, Yes, all jokes aside you are one step closer to understanding... When i first noticed the path I "said" the same thing... But if you relate not

understanding to " Hell ", then " I " must tell you with a glad heart that you are that much closer to seeking what it is you search.

on Jul 01, 2009

Sometimes I think the world has gone completely mad.

And then I think, 'Aw, who cares?'

And then I think, 'Hey, what's for supper?'

on Jul 01, 2009

There is no spoon...

on Jul 01, 2009


on Jul 01, 2009

Spam? no we need STEAK!

on Jul 01, 2009

Spam? no we need STEAK!


on Jul 01, 2009

Ok, now that a few people are hungry, We can eat...Who ever would like to test themselves for how aware they are, follow the simple exercise bellow...

Because I am writting this now in my present, you will receive it in your present, but by then it will have passed for myself into the past.  The fact that

Im even speaking on the matter is evidence of a ......

I grew up on spam, I love chicken, and Im having steak with my family for dinner so I have to end for now.

But I hope everybody enjoyed our snack...

on Jul 01, 2009

Even if I were starving I wouldn't eat Spam - yuk!

on Jul 01, 2009

Did you take some bad riddlin or something?

on Jul 01, 2009

Nah, it was just all those funny little skittles that didn't have an s on them for some reason. But they tasted like the rainbow and made pretty colors fly around, so why not?


on Jul 01, 2009

There really ought to be a "report thread" button for things like this.

on Jul 01, 2009

There really ought to be a "report thread" button for things like this.
I'm not sure if you're.. well.. whatever you are, or what. But.. there is a "report thread" button.

on Jul 01, 2009

It is good that there is a report thread button, but as we all can see or not see, everything that "is" avaliable is not known... I take no pleasure in self

gain, from that which was freely given unto myself. There is no prerequisite for learning...and unwilling or willing does not alleviate you the reader from

what path you have chosen.  The negative for which you look can not be found for it does not exist. Those who look for a computer virus or call this

blog spam, are only our fellow companions in our great journey; and it is this reason why those who look for the negative in things are said to practice

the "sacred art", but these shall also bare the tiltle of "teacher".  WARNING!!! Teachers are held in the highest account for their actions and words,... if

you do not understand this blog, that is ok.  For a lot of readers this will agitate them, but for a equal number it will become a tracing board...I do not

disagree that the amount of "spam" promoted is ridiculous, but for the nay sayers, " I caution your words.  "For energy can not be created or

destroyed, but only transferred from one state to another"...Although not at first, you the reader will soon see that if any virus or negative thing is

brought to this blog, it will be from the individuals who worked with negative energy prior to their arrival at this doorway.  And as the words read if you

would just look down from way up hi and read them aloud, "Welcome"; but if you have dirty shoes, please feel free to wipe you feet...

on Jul 01, 2009

This is why LSD is illegal.....

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