A blog for God's people
Let us Begin...
Published on June 28, 2009 By yngmon In Everything Else

Blessing's to all who have found their way to my door step.  By clicking this site you have allowed yourself

to become aware.  Before you can understand what it is to be aware; first you must remember what it felt

like to be unaware.  To do this there is an exercise as simple as breathing; that once mastered will allow

you to bridge the gap between the con. matrix vs. the subcon. matrix. 

There is no fee, for if it were you and I would have never became aware.  If you have arrived here to soon; 

I wish you well on your travel. It is best that way;................."For receiving to early is as bad recieving to late." 

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jul 01, 2009

Makes sense to me.  Or did at one time.  In fact I agree with yngmon up until this post. 

Then again, it was already written before we were made self aware.  If indeed we were.

It's not SPAM for those who care to abuse the word.  There's nothing economic about it at all.

on Jul 01, 2009

Well, he did post it correctly in Off-Topic. That counts for something.

It sounds like a memorable quote from somewhere.

on Jul 01, 2009

I can see that there is a great calling for some form of substitute, but I can reassure the virgin reader that the path on which we are all walking was

formed naturally; by individuals who have moved the area we now travel... I do not judge (or at least I try not), for I truly do not wish to be judged...

every cause has an effect.  It is natural this way.  In nature 1 comes before two. In example to the different dimensions of thought...

Lets take the age old question...Which came first? The chicken or the egg? Scientist and some educated men might say the egg or evolution etc. And

then a religious man might say God or a Dimigod created created that chicken. Both are correct in a manner...but math places things into a order. 

This is why math has been chosen as the universal language.  People who judge are to preoccupied with illisions, to be able to focus their quantum

thinking abilities.  But these individuals create a great source of power whice is readily available.  I do not control or wish to judge things not created by

my own hand. 

For this as stated is a beginning, and as in all true beginnings there is both present; positive and negitive energies...

If the things written here seem unnatural, then you the reader must question your own nature.  Do you use your knowledge to question? to attract? or

do you let its power consume you, disguised as ambition, it becomes the very force whice repels you from what you are attracted? You can only reach

what you know is there,....Everything that exist; from a scientific stand point always has existed; but has only been revealed periodically. For everything has a

alpha and omega, it is the natural order of things... and it is at that very point were the two join; in whice true understanding is achieved. And that "span" of

time; whice is both infinitely large as small, can only be ...

on Jul 01, 2009


on Jul 01, 2009

Why do all the crazy people come here?

on Jul 01, 2009

I'm thinking someone just finished a philosophy class, and is feeling self-important...

I used to be like that, until I realized that all I was writing was nonsense that just sounded good. Like bacon flavored ice cream. Delicious in concept, pretty fail in execution.


on Jul 01, 2009

As I exist here... I am currently typing, by the time you read this I will be  preparing for the harvest which is to come.  I am no soothsayer, but in math

my works will produce equal; for many this is at the fringe of mortal thought; beyond lies a higher consciouss, enlightenment...

For when we awaken in the TRUE matrix; we for the first time in our existance, come to see the aura of our own ignorance, and by being seperate from

 understanding, we find ourselves at a fork in a road.  If we chose to ignore the slightest detail, we preceive a 50/50 option. There is always a answer to

any questions we ask,; because at the moment we ask the question, we simultaneously create the answer.  As we master ourselves, we see the power

in our own questions, if not having developed the power to influence mind over matter or ESP, we will at least become aware of the questions we ask. 

For they say "you have one mouth and two ears" so that you can listen twice as hard... maybe thats why you have two eye's as well?  It seems that in math

and nature things that are to receive come in pairs... and things that are to be given start as one...

on Jul 01, 2009

You're starting to lose me on this.  Trying to follow as best I can, but the trail eludes me.  I did LSD too, but that was when I was much younger.  Didn't like it so much.  I wasn't aware that it was still available.

Happy trails.   

on Jul 01, 2009

Habla Inglés, por favor.

on Jul 01, 2009

Steak will soon be an import.  Until the government puts tarrifs on it, then steak will be something to remember.

on Jul 02, 2009

Here is a riddle what do we all share in commen, at the moment we are reading this?

The answer shall become your guide...For it is something that we all possess:

And there are many who would willingly denounce or give away this delicate ...

As there are many who shall covet so strongly and not use this in the way nature intended, there by planting a seed of undesirable fruit.  If not

havested will rot...I shall harvest whice is needed, and so shall all those who seek the ability to put down the vision of right and wrong, and pick up the

vision of a ...

on Jul 02, 2009

At last we have a frame of thought that can be addressed this early in our meeting.  It seems that the modern human has wrote off doing simple

arithmetic in his head for counting on his fingers; once seeing the profit  of keeping track, finger counting becomes to small for the task.  So we move

on to writing things down.  In the process losing ourselves in a moment to reflect on whice we already know. From the look of things we have reached a

new era... one in whice technology has replaced the basic code in whice our ability to create derived." For this is the age when computers calculate and

humans program the questions" but if the answer is created at the moment the question is asked, then why do we let some, or something .....?


on Jul 02, 2009

And for those who consume things with like characteristics unto themselves, we must all be aware of the cause and effect. For to devour the living must

be seen in its true nature.  The digesting of flesh creates the position to execute life, And Though enjoyed world wide, most do not clearly understand

the LIVING sacrifice in whice they partake...

Whice only leads to a ..... mindstate... Both unknowing and knowing share in the same fate... Just as those who read this who understand as well as

those who don't understand share in a fate that both shall leave here equally... yin, yang. etc...And for all the "super" fast people,

 Just as in Demigod, we all have chosen...

on Jul 02, 2009

If you have read all the post until this point, you will now see that there are at least two path's.

For the paths only exsist because we are in need of them in order to travel.  Both road and path share in concept, but it was the path that lead to the

construction of a more  maintained street. For many will pass by my path and not walk it; for they see no path in which to take...

So is this why those same few who see no direction, also see no harm in sabatoging the signs placed to mark the way?

But isin't that natural, "for children to want to play games"?  That is how they learn, but more so why they learn.  It is in that pure and innocent mind

state, that  quantom understanding is acheivied.  I am not speaking on interlect taught by man, but tapping into the source of TRUE knowledge.

This is the Dimension of the cautious


on Jul 02, 2009

This guy is starting to give me the wiggins...

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