A blog for God's people
Let us Begin...
Published on June 28, 2009 By yngmon In Everything Else

Blessing's to all who have found their way to my door step.  By clicking this site you have allowed yourself

to become aware.  Before you can understand what it is to be aware; first you must remember what it felt

like to be unaware.  To do this there is an exercise as simple as breathing; that once mastered will allow

you to bridge the gap between the con. matrix vs. the subcon. matrix. 

There is no fee, for if it were you and I would have never became aware.  If you have arrived here to soon; 

I wish you well on your travel. It is best that way;................."For receiving to early is as bad recieving to late." 

Comments (Page 19)
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on Aug 28, 2009

DO NOT post private messages from moderators or other users in the public forum. 

on Aug 28, 2009

DrJBHL is a highly respected and loved member of this community.  Alluding that he is a wolf (either in or not in sheeps clothing) is a violation of the terms of service. 

After a couple drinks I'm sure lizards and wolves start to look mighty similar...

But more importantly, why would you be drinking with WOLVES around? Geez, this guy really likes to live dangerously...

on Aug 28, 2009

Fuzzy Logic
An outside observer would note that although this thread is complete nuts, it was largely ignored until it got cross posted to WinCustomize...
How wonderful.  Thats why I posted it in off topic.  Where are all the adults in this site?  Can anyone lie about there age here..?  I feel as if I have been blogging with chatbots..... lol

Again this blog is to be a place for all positive minded persons.

If that is not your aim, we ask you to please leave and do not return. (goes for anybody)

This is not a blog about computers and tech.  It is a blog for the people who want to learn to use there brain to solve internal matters, not devices.

I enjoy all the different foods brought to this market.

And only hope to show that even in our differencs, we are the same....



on Aug 28, 2009

Dont send them to me if you dont want to be put out there.  I hope you have followed the whole blog and have seen everything that was wrote, not just the things that were choosen to be reported.

I would like to be left in peace with my peacful travelers.

We should not have to read there negative mumbo jumbo just because they have been here longer, or they can make a pretty background on computer.

I am gald this whole thing is over the internet, for if we were in person.....many of you would be considered discriminating.

You all know what is here, but you choose to return so you can play MODS with the new.

you don't even remember your breath...?

Let us take our time and move in a peacful manner, not the manner we have....

For i even understand that it takes two to tango...

Let us start again, and this time....follow the rules of the blog....

Take your own time, and do not judge.



on Aug 28, 2009

Dont send them to me if you dont want to be put out there. I hope you have followed the whole blog and have seen everything that was wrote, not just the things that were choosen to be reported.

Nope.  PM's are not to be posted no matter what.  Take some time out and think about that.


on Aug 28, 2009

Do i have a choice here.  Where we pick sides for no reason.  Erase that which is only meant to help?

Have I truly done anything?

I have not cross posted.

I can see that this is nothing more than a .........

Think about that.


on Aug 28, 2009

Wow, religious fanatics are all the same.

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