A blog for God's people
Let us Begin...
Published on June 28, 2009 By yngmon In Everything Else

Blessing's to all who have found their way to my door step.  By clicking this site you have allowed yourself

to become aware.  Before you can understand what it is to be aware; first you must remember what it felt

like to be unaware.  To do this there is an exercise as simple as breathing; that once mastered will allow

you to bridge the gap between the con. matrix vs. the subcon. matrix. 

There is no fee, for if it were you and I would have never became aware.  If you have arrived here to soon; 

I wish you well on your travel. It is best that way;................."For receiving to early is as bad recieving to late." 

Comments (Page 12)
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on Aug 04, 2009


We have covered many topics up to this point, and have not even begun....or have we?

...Let all of use venture back to THe Beginning, so that when we again meet on the Level, we now depart...we shall all meet in peace.

...Bless... http://mind.impulsedriven.net

....and for the new.............. "welcome".........we also invite you as well...

on Aug 05, 2009

etymos.....logos? .....Before thinking of the name of a idea...lets get a deeper understanding

of these..... .....There is knowledge here...... 4 some 1....

As its own origin from the Greek (etymos, “true”; logos, “word”) shows, etymology was first used as a philosophical term. The

Greek Stoics believed that words and their meanings exist in nature, as the real counterparts of things and abstract ideas, rather than as conventions invented and agreed upon by human beings. Long before the foundation of the Stoic school, however, Plato had used a method similar to modern etymology in his Cratylus, a dialogue on the meaning of words. The first formal treatise on etymology, however, was Indian, dating as far back perhaps as the 5th century bc, and was composed to explain the difficult words in the Rig-Veda, the oldest and most important of the Hindu sacred books.

Early attempts at etymology were naive and incorrect according to phonetic evolution. This primitive kind of etymology is still common and is known as popular, or folk, etymology. Among those unfamiliar with the history of words, the attempt is frequently made to etymologize them in terms of other words to which they may have some phonetic resemblance. In English, for example, the word island, properly “isle-land” (Anglo-Saxon īgland), has been explained as “land like an eye in the waters”; and asparagus (Greek asparagos, “a sprout”) has become corrupted to “sparrowgrass” in colloquial speech.


Scientific Comparisons

With the introduction of Sanskrit into Europe, etymology along more scientific lines was made possible. At about the beginning of the 19th century, European scholars studying Sanskrit noted its resemblance in vocabulary to Latin and Greek. The comparison of vocabularies was extended to other languages, and the idea of a common origin, an Indo-European parent language, was soon established. This, in turn, led to the establishment of certain principles concerning the sound changes that affected the forms of words in the different languages, that is, to the formulation of the phonetic laws. In the case of loan words—words borrowed from other languages—phonetic law is apparently violated, and it frequently happens that a language has two or more words derived from a single word, one being a regular phonetic development, the other a borrowed form. In this case the latter form, known by the French term mot savant, is usually differentiated in meaning from the former. Thus, in French and English such words as royal and regal are both from the Latin regalis, “kingly”; the form regal is borrowed directly from the Latin, and royal (French roi, “king,” from the Latin accusative regem) is the phonetically correct form. Loan words may also undergo the regular sound changes of the language into which they have been adopted. For example, the Latin pondus, “pound,” appears in Gothic and Anglo-Saxon as pund, with unchanged consonants, but in Old High German it is subject to the action of Grimm’s law and becomes phunt. Thus, in etymology attention must be given to the history of words and sometimes to the records of the tribes speaking them. The English wise (as in otherwise, in no wise) is akin to the Old High German wīs(a), modern German die Weise; but wise is a doublet of guise, the form assumed by wīs(a) in the Romance languages, which borrowed the word from the Germanic form. The same word thus may assume different forms in the same language, and, conversely, different words may become identical in form in a specific language. The large group of homonyms in every language is sufficient proof of this process. An excellent English example of such a phenomenon is sound, which is a conglomerate of several originally distinct words: Anglo-Saxon gesund, “hearty”; Anglo-Saxon sund, “a body of water”; and Latin sonus, “noise.”

...............Is all these words just noise? 2 U....?

Do you take the time to read from the start?  Just a question....

Is there a answer?  Will u answer?

Here at the sub level.... r things wha t  they seem?.

.....True purpose is con sis tent as co her ent.....

on Aug 05, 2009


Al-Khwārizmī, Persian astronomer and mathematician, wrote a treatise in 825 AD, On Calculation with Arabic Numerals. (See algorism). It was translated into Latin in the 12th century as Algoritmi de numero Indorum (al-Daffa 1977), whose title was likely intended to mean "Algoritmi on the numbers of the Indians", where "Algoritmi" was the translator's rendition of the author's name; but people misunderstanding the title treated Algoritmi as a Latin plural and this led to the word "algorithm" (Latin algorismus) coming to mean "calculation method". The intrusive "th" is most likely due to a false cognate with the Greek ἀριθμός (arithmos) meaning "number".

..................We must prepare for the next..............

....We now hold ourselves accountable...............?

It is going to get steep ahead.  I have just gone back and advised the un ready to rest..... and that I will take one group up the mountain side at a

"time".......THe ready then the un alike....

We must be serious, for our very lives depend upon our "surefootedness"...

on Aug 05, 2009
"Simplicity is the key to brilliance."
Bruce Lee   
...................We agree............?
There is knowledge here
on Aug 05, 2009

Learn the principle, abide by the principle, and dissolve the principle. In short, enter a mold without being caged in it. Obey the principle without being bound by it. LEARN, MASTER AND ACHIEVE!!!

Be like water making its way through cracks. Do not be assertive, but adjust to the object, and you shall find a way round or through it. If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves.

Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water my friend.

on Aug 05, 2009

            ....................The waters are deep..................

and it is from our base, that we should learn to bocome shapeless motion...fluid...formless...

Pure in our nature, from being at 1 with our surroundings...

"Be water my friend."   .............and be friendly 2 water...

on Aug 05, 2009







































































































































































































on Aug 05, 2009
"Simplicity is the key to brilliance."
Bruce Lee   
...................We agree............?
There is knowledge here

"And then I think, 'Aw, who cares?"

...........Try again...

and this time remember your breath...

on Aug 05, 2009

i think my brain just exploded

on Aug 05, 2009

........Fellow travelers, we have been given our space...

and we are glad.  But why would so much room be needed if dealing with a true base?

.......................................................... = space

but the space we just passed lacked construction,due to no infustucture.

...Even the author of the "space" did not use it, for they (saw / see) no vacancy...

....and if you help them pick up their pieces of brain... they may treat you as a equal, join n ing at the beginning....


on Aug 05, 2009

...1.....2.......3  Which is higher? which path is longer? Do u remember our beginning?...when our paths all crossed for the first time?

That the first pathways were the trails made by animals has not been universally accepted, arguing that animals do not follow constant paths.[3] Others believe that some roads originated from following animal trails.[9][10] The Icknield Way is given as an example of this type of road origination, where man and animal both selected the same natural line.[11] By about 10,000 BC, rough pathways were used by human travelers.[3]

  • In 500 BC, Darius I the Great started an extensive road system for Persia (Iran), including the famous Royal Road which was one of the finest highways of its time.[14] The road remained in use after Roman times.
  • In ancient times, transport by river was far easier and faster than transport by road,[13] especially considering the cost of road construction and the difference in carrying capacity between carts and river barges. A hybrid of road transport and ship transport beginning in about 1740 is the horse-drawn boat in which the horse follows a cleared path along the river bank.[15][16]
  • In the 1600s road construction and maintenance in Britain was traditionally done on a local parish basis.[13] This resulted in a poor and variable state of roads. To remedy this, the first of the "Turnpike Trusts" was established around 1706, to build good roads and collect tolls from passing vehicles. Eventually there were approximately 1,100 Trusts in Britain and some 36,800 km of engineered roads.[13] The Rebecca Riots in Carmarthenshire and Rhayader from 1839 to 1844 contributed to a Royal Commission leading to the demise of the system in 1844.[19]
  • .......WE WELCOME U.......
  • Bless
  • P.s ...............Breath.............?



on Aug 06, 2009

We welcome you back....

on Aug 06, 2009

.....Study Time....

on Aug 07, 2009

...................................Will u study yourself?............................I only share which is meant to be shared now.... Focus on your breath so to center  your mind

Pranayama is the practice in which the control of prana is achieved (initially) from the control of one's breathing. According to Yogic philosophy the

breath, or air, is merely a gateway to the world of prana and its manifestation in the body.

..........We have much to discuss..........

on Aug 08, 2009

Let us pick up were we left off.......

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